KAUKAUNA — The Kaukauna Common Council will hear a report Tuesday on using downtown tax incremental financing to conduct a hotel occupancy study, according to the agenda for the meeting.
The council will meet at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, May 13, 2016 in the council chambers of the Municipal Services Building, 201 W. Second St.
Also on the agenda is a public hearing on the proposed mapped dedication of Bicentennial Court.
There also will be a presentation of an ordinance annexing land from the town of Kaukauna to the city of Kaukauna.
Full agenda:
City of Kaukauna
Council Chambers
Municipal Services Building
201 W. Second Street, Kaukauna
Tuesday, May 3, 2016, at 7:00 P.M.
1. Roll call, one minute of silent prayer, Pledge of Allegiance to the American Flag.
2. Reading and approval of minutes.
3. Presentation of letters, petitions, remonstrances, memorials, and accounts.
a. Bills payable.
4. Public appearances.
5. Business presented by the Mayor.
a. Public Hearing on the proposed mapped dedication of Bicentennial Court.
b. Reappointment of Carla Zacharias to the Police and Fire Commission.
c. Appointment of Dave Kenney to the Police and Fire Commission to replace John VanDrunen.
6. Reports of standing and special committees.
a. Public Protection and Safety Commission of May 2, 2016.
b. Board of Public Works of May 2, 2016.
c. Legislative Committee of May 2, 2016.
d. Finance and Personnel Committee of May 2, 2016.
e. Health and Recreation Committee of May 2, 2016.
f. Operator (Bartender) Licenses.
7. Reports of City officers.
a. Election Plan.
b. Use of downtown Tax Incremental Financing to conduct hotel occupancy study.
c. Authorize City Attorney to prepare Developers Agreement for 152 E. Second Street.
8. Presentation of ordinances and resolutions.
a. Ordinance amending the official street map (Bicentennial Court).
b. Ordinance annexing land from the Town of Kaukauna to the City of Kaukauna (Greg Lauer).
c. Resolution approving the Certified Survey Map for Greg Lauer (4 lots).
d. Resolution approving the Certified Survey Map for Greg Lauer (1 lot).
e. Resolution approving the Certified Survey Map for the City of Kaukauna
(NEW Prosperity Center).
9. Consideration of miscellaneous business.
10. Convene to Closed Session pursuant to Wisconsin State Statutes 19.85 (1) (e) to discuss acquisition of property.
11. Reconvene to open session for possible action.
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