KAUKAUNA ― At the end of each school year, five Kaukauna Area School District employees are recognized and celebrated for their accomplishments. The 2016-2017 Employee of the Year award recipients were announced and celebrated at the District’s closing ceremony on Thursday, June 8, 2017.

Frischmann, Principal of New Directions Learning Community
Abbey Frischmann, Principal of New Directions Learning Community.

Abbey Frischmann, Administrator
Frischmann, Principal of New Directions Learning Community, was nominated for the positive impact she’s had at New Directions Learning Community, advocating for their mission and vision in all that she does. Abbey was praised for her wisdom, professionalism, personality and balance and described as a natural leader. She puts others first and works to develop strong, trusting relationships with anyone she meets, celebrating victories and working through challenges with kindness, openness and maturity. The work that Abbey does with students, teacher and parents makes KASD a better place to work and learn.

Jim Geoffrey, Elementary Certified Staff
Geoffrey, Technology Coach for KASD elementary schools, was nominated for his ability to inspire others to incorporate innovative technology within the curriculum. He was described as patient and professional while enthusiastically sharing his knowledge with both students and staff and his positive attitude was commended. Geoffrey has made strong connections with students and staff across the District in his role as Technology Coach, both looking forward to his classroom visits; he’s truly made a positive impact on both staff and students at Kaukauana Area School District.

Kyrstn Bergh, Middle School Certified Staff
Bergh, 7th Grade Math Teacher at River View Middle School, was described as an incredible role model to her students (and her colleagues), always bringing to school an upbeat, positive and encouraging attitude. Her students will tell you that she’s not only helpful, but fun, and someone that they can trust and confide in. Her colleagues describe her as helpful, adventurous, a leader in sharing new ideas and trying new things. She has been an inspiration to River View students and staff.

John Stangel, High School Certified Staff
KHS Band Teacher John Stangel was recognized for his ability to foster a love of both learning and music in his students. His ability to not only continue the marching band, but turn it around and help it grow into a 170-student strong team, is a tribute to his leadership, flexibility, and passion for music and children. Stangel has proved himself as a model of energy, enthusiasm, positive attitude and commitment, and his ability to create opportunities for his students has exposed them to life experiences and perspectives they may not have otherwise had; he extends learning beyond the traditional band curriculum and has touched the lives of many.

Sue Vanevenhoven, District Support Staff
Sue, Administrative Assistant at River View Middle School, was described as supportive, caring, welcoming and dependable. She goes above and beyond her call of duty regularly to help keep River View running smoothly. This school year, Sue took on several additional responsibilities, while successfully maintaining her existing role. Sue has proven to be an invaluable member of the River View office staff, and has had a positive impact on all River View students and staff.

Superintendent Duerwaechter presented the awards during the closing ceremony, according to a school district news release.

“We received an overwhelming number of nominations for the 2016-2017 Employee of the Year awards. It was a very difficult decision, but that, itself, is a tribute to the incredible talent and heart we have within our school family. I’m proud to be a part of a community that values their schools – and each other – it’s why we are, and will continue to be, Kaukauna Strong.”

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