Artist's rendering of improvements to the empty lot at Crooks Avenue and Second Street in Kaukauna.
Artist's rendering of improvements to the empty lot at Crooks Avenue and Second Street in Kaukauna.
Artist’s rendering of improvements to the empty lot at Crooks Avenue and Second Street in Kaukauna.

KAUKAUNA — Members of the Kaukauna city council will have its first look at bids for several downtown reconstruction projects when the proposals are unsealed Monday, June 19, 2017 at the Kaukauna Board of Public Works meeting.

On Tuesday, at the regular council meeting, John Zierler will be recognized upon his retirement from the Kaukauna Police Department and Joe Lucas and Gary Keating are expected to be reappointed to the Kaukauna Library Board, according to the agend for the meeting. (BELOW)

The council meeting is set for 7 p.m. Tuesday, June 20, 2017 in the council chambers at the Municipal Services Building, 144 W. Second St., Kaukauna

The bids to be opened Monday are for the reconstruction of the long-neglected lot at the corner of Second Street and Crooks Avenue downtown.

The project is one of three that are part of the bid package.

The project also will include the municipal entry sign and plaza at Second Street and Main Avenue and the Main Avenue terminus at the north end of Main at the Kaukauna Utilities power canal.

The city hosted a public information forum March 2, 2017, to gather input on proposed improvements to the downtown.

City officials outlined plans for decorative plazas in the vacant lot at Second Street and Crooks Avenue and at the north end of Main Avenue near the pedestrian bridge, according to a news release posted by Julie Schroeder of the planning department.

Features proposed for these plazas will include theme lighting, brick pavers, benches, landscaping and unique art installations.

The intersection has been the focus of on-again, off-again improvement plans for more than a year.

City of Kaukauna
Council Chambers, Municipal Services Building
144 W. Second Street, Kaukauna
Tuesday, June 20, 2017, at 7:00 P.M.

1. Roll call, one minute of silent prayer, Pledge of Allegiance to the American Flag.

2. Reading and approval of minutes.

3. Presentation of letters, petitions, remonstrances, memorials, and accounts.
a. Bills payable.

4. Public appearances.

5. Business presented by the Mayor.
a. Reappointment of Joe Lucas and Gary Keating to the Kaukauna Library Board.
b.* Retirement award – John Zierler, Police Department.

6. Reports of standing and special committees.
a. 1000 Islands Environmental Center Committee of May 18, 2017.
b. Board of Public Works of June 19, 2017.
c. City Plan Commission of June 8, 2017.
d. Heart of the Valley Metropolitan Sewerage District of May 9, 2017.
e. Finance & Personnel Committee of June 19, 2017.
f. Health and Recreation Committee of June 19, 2017.
g. Operator (Bartender) Licenses.

7. Reports of City officers.
a. Fire report.
b. Ambulance report.
c. Police report.
d. Municipal Court report.
e. Treasurer Deposit report.
f. Building Inspection report.
g. Award bid for Project No. 4-17 – Sidewalk Replacement Program.
i. Award bid for Project No. 5-17 – Downtown Plaza Construction.
j. Developers agreement with Clay Eiting for redevelopment of 150-152 E. Second Street.
k. Map amendment to agreement with Jerry VanDynHoven.

8. Presentations of ordinances and resolutions.
a. Resolution filing a Compliance Maintenance Annual Report (CMAR) with the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources.
b. Resolution approving a certified survey map for Dave Evers.

9. Consideration of miscellaneous business.


Notice is hereby given that a negative quorum of the Kaukauna Utility Commission
will be present at this meeting. No formal commission action will be taken.

The empty lot at Second and Crooks in Kaukauna. Shannon Wendricks photo
The empty lot at Second and Crooks in Kaukauna. Shannon Wendricks photo

Paid partnership

Paid partnership

By Dan Plutchak

Dan Plutchak, born and raised in Kaukauna, is cofounder of Kaukauna Community News.