KAUKAUNA — The Kaukauna City Council is expected to designate River View Middle School and the new Municipal Services Building as polling sites for the general election on Nov. 8.
The council will vote on the measure when it meets at 7 p.m., Tuesday, Aug. 16. at the new municipal services building.
The complete agenda is below:
COMMON COUNCILCity of KaukaunaCouncil ChambersMunicipal Services Building144 W. Second Street, KaukaunaTuesday, August 16, 2016, at 7:00 P.M.1. Roll call, one minute of silent prayer, Pledge of Allegiance to the American Flag.2. Reading and approval of minutes.3. Presentation of letters, petitions, remonstrances, memorials, and accounts.a. Bills payable.4. Public appearances.5. Business presented by the Mayor.a. Appointment of Randy Vercauteren to the BuildingConstruction Review Board.6. Reports of standing and special committees.a. Public Protection and Safety Committee of August 15, 2016.b. Board of Public Works of August 15, 2016.c. Legislative Committee of August 15, 2016.d. Health and Recreation Committee of August 15, 2016.e. Operator (Bartender) Licenses.7.Reports of City officers.a. Fire report.b. Ambulance report.c. Police report.d. Municipal Court report.e. Treasurer Deposit report.f. Building Inspection report.g. Finance Department.h. Award bid for Project No. 1-16 – 2016 Concrete Street Paving.8. Presentations of ordinances and resolutions.a. Ordinance amending Section 1.31 (5) (a) 1 b of the municipal code correctingstatute with statue in the section providing authority to the plan commission.b. Ordinance amending Section 1.31 (1) of the municipal code defining citizen inthe composition of the City Plan Commission.c. Ordinance amending Section 1.33 (1) of the municipal code defining citizen inthe composition of the Industrial and Commercial Development Commission.d. Ordinance amending Section 14.15 of the municipal code regarding swimmingpools and ponds.e. Resolution approving the Certified Survey Map for Davis.f. Final resolution authorizing public improvements on KennethAvenue, GlenviewAvenue, and Sullivan Avenue.g. Resolution designating River View Middle School and the new Municipal ServicesBuilding as polling sites for the General Election of November 8, 2016.h. Resolution authorizing the transfer of $425,000 from the City’s General Fund to thespace needs fund.9. Consideration of miscellaneous business.10. Convene to Closed Session pursuant to Wisconsin State Statutes 19.85 (1) (e) todiscuss developers agreement with Dutch Boyz Developers.11. Reconvene to open session for possible action.THIS MEETING FACILITY IS BARRIER FREE.IF REQUESTED THREE (3) DAYS PRIOR TO THE MEETING, A SIGNLANGUAGE INTERPRETER WILL BE MADE AVAILABLE AT NO CHARGE.Notice is hereby given that a negative quorum of the Kaukauna Utility Commissionwill be present at this meeting. No formal commission action will be taken.
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