River View Middle School in Kaukauna, Wisconsin. Kaukauna Community News photo

KAUKAUNA — After a series of recent community meetings, the Kaukauna Area School District says adding 4K/5K offerings, expanding child care and building a new middle school are the main areas of focus for parents.

Superintendent Mike Slowinski summarized its recent Community Conversations public meetings in an letter sent to district families Monday.

Read the full letter HERE.

Middle school: According to feedback from those who attended the community meetings, the current River View Middle School facility falls short of meeting the long-term needs of our students.

The consensus leaned towards exploring the construction of a new middle school on district-owned land.

Child care: Community members have expressed a strong desire to expand the level of child care services offered by the district, including development of on-site child care services and the establishment of a birth-to-school-age child care center.

4K-5K: The district says that the community expressed clear support for adding grades 4K and 5K to Victor Haen Elementary School as a first step to improve the elementary grade configuration.

According to the letter from Slowinsi, opinions differ as to pursuing a comprehensive or phased in approach, with some advocating for a referendum as early as November.

Ultimately, the community felt that the cost of the various options will be the driving factor, Slowinski said.

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By Dan Plutchak

Dan Plutchak, born and raised in Kaukauna, is cofounder of Kaukauna Community News.