Kaukauna Galloping Ghosts head softball coach Tim Roehrig. KCN photo
Kaukauna Galloping Ghosts head softball coach Tim Roehrig. KCN photo

KAUKAUNA — Kaukauna Ghosts’ head softball coach Tim Roehrig has been named this year’s National Federation of State High School Associations section 4 softball coach of the year.

Each year, the NFHS recognizes a coach from each state for significant achievement in their sport. Award recipients are selected based upon a variety of criteria including their coaching record, background, coaching honors and involvement in community and school organizations.

Section recipients are further considered National recognition.

In his career with the Ghosts, Roehrig has led the softball team to five state titles, including the past three.

Most recently, Kaukauna claimed the 2023 WIAA Division 1 victory 4-0 over Superior last June on Goodman Diamond in Madison.

The Ghosts have never lost a state title game, winning the championship in each of their previous state appearances including 2010, 201720212022 and in 2023, all coached by Roehrig.

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By Dan Plutchak

Corrections and updates: news@kaukaunacommunitynews.com Dan Plutchak, born and raised in Kaukauna, is cofounder of Kaukauna Community News.