Alumni getting ready to go to the class reunion in 1948. Photo from the Kaukauna Public Library

KAUKAUNA — The class of 1966 will be recognized June 18, 2016 for their 50th anniversary during the 80th annual Alumni Rally.

All anniversary classes will be introduced, as well as scholarship winners.

Tickets are $18 and must be purchased by April 1. They can be purchased locally at Bridal Elegance and Formal Wear, 172. W. Wisconsin Ave.

News and updates to be included in the Alumni News can be emailed to Deadline is March 25.


In 2015, the Alumni Foundation awarded $26,000 in educational grants.

The board currently is raising $2 million to provide a meaningful grant to every graduation KhS senior who wishes to continue their education.

All gifts of $10,000 or more are recognized on a Founder’s Plaque loactad in the Kaukauna High School commons.

A gift of $50,000 or more fund an endowed scholarship in the donor’s name.

Gifts may be given over a 5 year period.

Members of the endowment committee include Pat Ryan 766-1661, Joe Jacobson 740-9680, Ron VandeHey 766-5132

Anniversary class correspondents

1946: Pat Greenwood VanderLoop, 60th
1951: Barb Little Roloff, Vicki Kilawee Sullivan, 65th
1956: Joan Alger Sikora, Lois Corbielle Marx, Judy Kiffe Coenen, 60th
1961: Joanne Mereness Vohs, Marilyn Hilgenberg Verkuilen, 55th
1966: Patty Minkebige Bosin, Barb Schmidt Bloy, Noreen Meinert Brogan, Sandy DeWitt Blum, 50th
1971: Julie Hooyman Stroess, Cheri Leddy Brown, Sandy DeWitt Blum, 1971
1976: Karen Desotell Funk, Donna VanHandel Weyenberg, 40th
1981: Colleen Smith Diedrick, John Schmidt, Erika Hupperts, Lynn Dottle Ebben, 35th
1986: Amy Vandenberg Pricco, Diane Kobussen Schuh, Rick Balck, Steve Nytes, 30th
1991: Dana Schumacher Rohdes, 25th

Reunion updates:

(Message the page with your class info)

Class of 1976: 7 p.m. Friday, June 17 at the Mariner, 1100 Hyland Ave. Reservations due by June 3 to Karen Desotell Funk

Paid partnership

Paid partnership

By Dan Plutchak

Dan Plutchak, born and raised in Kaukauna, is cofounder of Kaukauna Community News.