LITTLE CHUTE — Because of a growing deer population in Heesakker Park, the Village of Little Chute has authorized a hunt to take place in December.
Little Chute residents/taxpayers age 18 or older interested in applying for the lottery to participate should click HERE for the 2021 Deer Culling Information Packet.
Four bow hunters who pass the proficiency test and have a 2021 Wisconsin DNR Archery License will be chosen in lottery.
The hunt will take place from Dec. 13, to Dec. 19, 2021.
Printed copies of packet are available at Park & Rec Office on 2nd floor of Village Hall. Deadline to return all required paperwork is Wednesday, October 20.
If you have questions, call 423-3869.
Full details on how to apply are here:
Paid partnership with Matt's Lawn Rolling and Aeration