Photo by Luis Graterol on Unsplash

APPLETON — For Kaukauna’s Jill Mitchler, co-coordinator of the Appleton-Fox Cities chapter of the Citizens’ Climate Lobby, every day is Earth Day.

To promote the idea before the pivotal mid-term election, the chapter is co-sponsoring an event at Pierce Park in Appleton from 12:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m., Oct. 22, 2022, along with three other local, non-partisan organizations: ESTHER’s Environmental Justice Task Force, the League of Women Voters Appleton-Fox Cities, and PopEarth.

“The earth should have more than one day a year,” Mitchler says, “And we know that people from all political persuasions care about the planet. Getting people to think about the earth when they vote is a great reason to celebrate Earth Day’s half birthday in October.”

She promoted the idea on the state and national level, and CCL national headquarters decided to coordinate, along with other nonpartisan groups, Earth Day: Election Edition educational events around the country during this election season, including the one in Appleton.

The theme for the upcoming Earth Day is “Make climate the hot topic this election.”

Several various local environmental groups will have display tables with materials to show what individuals can do.

Appleton singer Chris Gold will entertain and Ligia Rivera of the League of Women Voters is the keynote speaker.

Elected officials and candidates are welcome to attend, as well.

The event will end with a short march of participants across the Memorial Drive Bridge to Veterans Park and then back to Pierce Park.

The Citizens’ Climate Lobby (CCL) is a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization created to provide ordinary people with opportunities to talk to elected officials about conservation, sustainability, and other environmental issues. They work to create the political will for a healthy, livable planet.

Since 2007, CCL has organized events to educate, in a respectful way, both the public and decision-makers on the benefits and costs of various possible solutions to our environmental problems.

More information about Citizens’ Climate Lobby can be found at Mitchler can be reached at




Paid partnership with StoneRidge Piggly Wiggly.

By Dan Plutchak

Corrections and updates: Dan Plutchak, born and raised in Kaukauna, is cofounder of Kaukauna Community News.