APPLETON — A fire in the kitchen of an Appleton apartment caused about $40,000 in damage Wednesday, however no one was injured.

Appleton Fire Department units were called out about 6:30 p.m. Wedesday for a report of a structure fire at an apartment building on Woodmere Ct.

Dispatch indicated that fire was in the kitchen of the second-floor apartment, according to a news release from the Appleton Fire Department. Dispatch also indicated that the man who lived there was out of the apartment.

Firefighters arrived on scene to find smoke and fire visible from a second-story window.

Crews entered the apartment and quickly knocked down the fire which was contained to one unit of the twelve-unit complex.

Additional arriving crews assisted with searching the apartment complex and ensuring all tenants were evacuated.

Firefighters conducted ventilation to remove the smoke from the building and checked for fire extension in the attic.

The fire was knocked down within approximately fifteen minutes.

The Appleton Fire Department was assisted by the Appleton Police Department, Gold Cross Ambulance, WE Energies and The American Red Cross. One adult male was displaced from his apartment and is being assisted by The American Red Cross.

There we no injuries reported at this fire. The initial damage estimate is for this fire is approximately $40,000.

The Appleton Fire Department would like to remind everyone to remain alert and present in the kitchen while cooking.

This is the third fire in Appleton since the department launched its annual “Keep the Wreath Green” holiday safety program designed to promote fire safety and reduce the number of fires during the holiday season.

Appleton fire stations are displaying a wreath with green bulbs until New Year’s Day.



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Paid partnership with StoneRidge Piggly Wiggly.

By staff

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