Photo by Photo by Nick Fewings on Unsplash

KAUKAUNA — Classes get underway Wednesday for the 2021-’22 school year in the Kaukauna Area School District, and students, parents, teachers and staff are hoping this year will be a slow return to normal.

But as the COVID-19 pandemic continues, district leaders have put in place procedures to help address the possibility of COVID-19 in the schools.

The KASD board of education on Aug. 9, 2021 approved the return-to-school plan that included a masks-optional policy for students, staff and visitors.


Here’s what will happen if there is a positive case in your child’s classroom:

You will be notified through email and a letter sent home.

Then teachers and staff will closely monitor the other students in the classroom for symptoms and ask that parents do the same. The district is asking parents to use the daily health screening with each of your children every day. READ

Sign up below and we’ll email you if there are any changes to the district’s COVID-19 procedures.

If a student has a sibling or household member with a positive COVID-19 case:

Asymptomatic KASD siblings/household members of a positive case who provide documentation that they are fully vaccinated are not required to quarantine.

KASD siblings/household members of a positive case who are not vaccinated must use the 10 day quarantine guidance (from the last date of contact) for return to school and school activities.

If a student is a close contact or is a household member of someone waiting for a COVID-19 test result, the student should remain at home until receiving a negative test result. If the test result of the household member is positive please contact the school nurse.

If your child is not feeling well please call the school office to report the absence. If the absence is COVID related, a school nurse will return your phone call.

Students riding the bus have the option of wearing a face covering. Students are encouraged to sit in the same seat with a household member when possible.

KASD will continue to offer on-site testing for students and staff.

Kaukauna Area School District strongly encourages all staff and (age-eligible) students to receive a COVID-19 vaccine, however KASD will not require students, staff or visitors to be vaccinated.



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By Dan Plutchak

Dan Plutchak, born and raised in Kaukauna, is cofounder of Kaukauna Community News.