KAUKAUNA — Kayla Swanningson, a senior at Kaukauna Area High School, has earned a $10,000 Herb Kohl Educational Foundation 2017 Initiative Scholarship. She received the award at a recognition luncheon April 29, 2017 in Middleton.
Scholarship recipients had been informed in March that each would receive a $5,000 scholarship, but in a surprise announcement at the recognition luncheon, former U.S. Sen. Herb Kohl revealed that he had decided to double the scholarship amount from $5,000 per scholar to $10,000.
The Herb Kohl Initiative Scholarship recognizes students who have demonstrated a high level of motivation, have shown strong promise for achieving success in college and beyond, and have overcome significant personal obstacles or adversity.
The Herb Kohl Educational Foundation has been recognizing education excellence since 1990 by annually awarding scholarships to 200 graduating high school students throughout Wisconsin.
Since it was established in 1990, the Herb Kohl Educational Foundation has awarded $11.7 million to Wisconsin students, teachers, principals and schools.
Scholarship, Fellowship and Leadership Program awards for 2017 are presented to students, teachers, and principals.
Excellence Scholarship recipients are students who have demonstrated excellence in the academic arena and high motivation to achieve, have displayed a broad range of activity and leadership outside the academic setting and have shown strong promise for succeeding in college and beyond.
Fellowship recipients are educators who have been chosen for their superior ability to inspire a love of learning in their students, their ability to motivate others and their leadership and service within and outside the classroom.
Leadership Award recipients are school principals who are being recognized for setting high standards for instruction, achievement and character and creating a climate to best serve students, families, staff, and community.
Excellence Scholarship, Fellowship and Leadership Award recipients are selected by a statewide committee composed of civic leaders, representatives of education-related associations and the program’s co-sponsors: the Wisconsin Newspaper Association Foundation, Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction, Wisconsin Council of Religious and Independent Schools (WCRIS), regional Cooperative Educational Service Agencies (CESA), and the Association of Wisconsin School Administrators.
Winners in the CESA 6 District were:
Karissa Anderson, Shiocton Shiocton High School, Shiocton
Tierra Baum, Beaver Dam Don Smith Learning Academy, Beaver Dam
Cody Floyd, Oakfield Oakfield High School, Oakfield
Diana Hernandez, Appleton Appleton East High School, Appleton
Jensen Kampo, Neenah Winneconne High School, Winneconne
Alexis Riggs, Ripon Green Lake High School, Green Lake
Jesse Sell, Hortonville Xavier High School, Appleton
Kayla Swanningson, Kaukauna Kaukauna High School, Kaukauna
Katherine Teske, Glenbeulah Winnebago Lutheran Academy, Fond du Lac
Jiexin (Jessica) Yang, Jackson Kettle Moraine Lutheran High School, Jackson
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