KAUKAUNA — A group supporting Kaukauna School District orchestra students is raising money to repair and replace aging and damaged school-owned instruments.

The group, Additional Resources for Kaukauna Orchestra, or ARKO, is coordinating a major fundraiser to benefit Kaukauna Orchestra.

There are nearly a dozen school-owned string instruments in need of repair, and the cold dry winter air is really hard on the rest of them, according to the group. The wood can shrink and pop open, leading one student this winter to say, “I can see through my cello!”

School-owned instruments provide opportunities for students to join orchestra even if their family can’t afford a rental. It also means students with rented cellos and basses can avoid lugging them to school each day. And sometimes students just forget to bring their own instrument – having extra at school means they can continue to play and participate.

The group’s goal is to raise $3,000 to repair these school-owned instruments, replace the ones that are too far gone and buy some better storage to protect them in the future.

For their current fundraiser, high school orchestra members are selling Kwik Trip Carwash cards. For each five-wash card you buy for $36, the orchestra receives $16. These car washes retail at $10 each.

To connect with a student selling the cards, message their Facebook page HERE.

A generous anonymous donor is matching the first $1,000 in outright donations. That means your contribution could be doubled!

The group is also taking direct donations.

Checks can be written to “Kaukauna Orchestra” and delivered to Mrs. Nesemann-on behalf of ARKO – at Kaukauna High School or River View Middle School. Include a note if you’d like a receipt.



Paid partnership with Fox Valley Outlet.

Paid partnership with StoneRidge Piggly Wiggly.

By Dan Plutchak

Dan Plutchak, born and raised in Kaukauna, is cofounder of Kaukauna Community News.