Prescribed burns help promote ecosystem health by removing invading brush, decreasing dead grass and leaf litter and promoting the growth of vegetation. Photo credit: Wisconsin DNR

BUCHANAN — The town of Buchanan will do prescribed burns around the township over the next few weeks, depending on the wind and weather conditions.

You will see usually a few crew members walk the area prior (sometimes a day or two before) to check for any nests or wildlfe, according to the town.

Thankfully, this early in the season, crews won’t likely be running into nesting birds yet.

A prescribed burn is a fire intentionally set to burn grassy wildland areas — mostly around ponds — to prevent a wildfire from overgrowth.

It is also very useful for the environment since it helps control plant diseases, restore natural ecosystems and improves wildlife habitats.

Paid partnership with StoneRidge Piggly Wiggly.

By staff

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