Photo by Dave Vissars. Kaukauna Municipal Services Building.
Photo by Dave Vissars. Kaukauna Municipal Services Building.

KAUKAUNA — The Kaukauna City Council is expected to consider amending its truancy ordinance to align with state law during its regular meeting Wednesday.

Currently, state law requires a student to attend school through the end of the term in which they turn 18.

The proposed amendment to the Kaukauna municipal code would add the same requirement.

“Any such student who has reached the age of 18 years of age shall continue to be a pupil as that term applies under this section through the end of the school term, quarter, semester or trimester of the school year in which the student attains the age of 18 years,” according to the amendment.

A violation could result in a court order to return to school and fines that could total up to $500, suspension of driving privileges, counseling and other penalties.

The council meeting will be on Wednesday, Feb. 22, 2017 due to the Tuesday primary election.

The council meets at 7 p.m. in the Municipal Services Building, 144 W. Second Street, Kaukauna.


Feb. 22, 2017

1. Roll call, one minute of silent prayer, Pledge of Allegiance to the American Flag.

2. Reading and approval of minutes.

3. Presentation of letters, petitions, remonstrances, memorials and accounts.

a. Bills payable.

4. Public appearances.

5. Business presented by the Mayor.

6. Reports of standing and special committees.

a. Kaukauna Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drug Abuse Prevention Board of November 16, 2016.

b. 1000 Islands Environmental Center Committee of January 19, 2017.

c. Heart of the Valley Valley Metropolitan Sewerage District Commission of January 10, 2017.

d. Operator (Bartender) Licenses.

e. Sidewalk Builders License to Dan Verbeten Construction, Kaukauna.

7. Reports of City officers.

a. Fire report.

b. Ambulance report.

c. Police report.

d. Municipal Court report.

e. Treasurer Deposit report.

f. Building Inspection report.

g. Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) Program Evaluation.

h. Policy and procedure for records requests.

8. Presentations of ordinances and resolutions.

a. Ordinance authorizing placement of the traffic regulation signs on Elderberry Lane, Sunset Avenue, Rusty Street, Rusty Court, and Ducharme Street.

b. Ordinance amending Section 9.27 (2) regarding truancy in the Municipal Code of the City of Kaukauna.

c. Ordinance authorizing the City of Kaukauna to pay transaction processing fees for online and window credit card and debit card payments.

d. Preliminary Resolution regarding vacation of a portion of East 13th Street.

e. Resolution approving warranty deed with State of Wisconsin for Hwy. 55 acquisition.

f. Resolution authorizing the Finance Director and Clerk/Treasurer of the City of Kaukauna to transfer budgeted funds from the general fund to the space needs fund.

g. Resolution supplementing Resolution No. 2690; authorizing the issuance and awarding the sale of $11,125,000 Electric System Revenue Bonds, Series 2017A and providing for the payment of such bonds and other details and covenants with respect thereto.

9. Consideration of miscellaneous business.

10. Convene to Closed Session pursuant to Wisconsin Statutes 19.85 (1) (c) to discuss

Fire Department union negotiations.

11. Reconvene to Open Session for possible action.

12. Convene to Closed Session pursuant to Wisconsin Statutes 19.85 (1) (e) to discuss disposition of municipally owned property in NEW Prosperity Center.

13. Reconvene to Open Session for possible action.




Notice is hereby given that a negative quorum of the Kaukauna Utility Commission

will be present at this meeting. No formal commission action will be taken.

Paid partnership with Fox Valley Outlet.

Paid partnership with StoneRidge Piggly Wiggly.

By staff