APPLETON — Outagamie County’s Emergency Management Department will resume its audible outdoor warning system test at noon beginning this coming Saturday, March 29, 2025.

There is a chance of rain on Saturday, but if severe weather is forecasted, the test will be postponed until the following Saturday.

Please share this information widely as to avoid any unnecessary calls to 911.

Sirens are intended for outdoor warning only. They are not intended to be heard inside homes or

Outagamie County recommends that residents obtain NOAA weather radios or a local weather phone app for severe weather alerts.

Wisconsin’s annual statewide tornado drills will take place on April 10, 2025 at 1:45 p.m. and 6:45 p.m. during Tornado and Severe Weather Awareness Week.

These drills offer citizens the opportunity to practice their tornado and severe weather sheltering plans.

Schools, businesses, and homes are encouraged to practice going to their nearest tornado shelter during the drills, as if there were an actual tornado warning in effect. Ideal tornado shelters can include a basement, a ground floor interior room of a building, or a specially constructed safe room designed to withstand high winds and falling debris.

Outagamie County will be activating the outdoor warning sirens for both drills on April 10.

For more information on NOAA weather radios or other preparedness information, contact the Outagamie

County Emergency Management office at 920-832-6361. Questions related to specific outdoor warning
sirens should be directed to the relevant municipality.

Paid partnership with Matt's Lawn Rolling and Aeration

Paid partnership with StoneRidge Piggly Wiggly.

By Dan Plutchak

Corrections and updates: Dan Plutchak, born and raised in Kaukauna, is cofounder of Kaukauna Community News.