Notice how over the past year your Facebook feed is full of ads and pages you don’t follow?

Blame TikTok.

The popular video sharing platform has exploded in popularity partly because it’s algorithm is so good at showing suggested content its users are interested in.

Facebook has now jumped on the bandwagon, but it’s suggested posts are often more of an annoyance than content its users are actually interested in.

So do you want to get back to your old Facebook?

The secret us using the “Feed” option.

Here’s how to find it on your phone:

  1. Tap on your profile pic. (Bottom right on an iPhone, top right on Android)

2) Tap on the “Feeds” button. (If nothing happens, quit the app and try again.)

3) Whala! Look across the top to customize your feed.

“All” shows you a feed of friends and pages you follow just like the old-fashioned Facebook.

“Favorites” are pages you select by hitting the Follow button a second time and selecting Favorite.

“Friends” shows posts from people you have friended.

“Groups” shows Facebook groups you have joined.

“Pages” shows pages you follow in real-time order.

We typically leave it on the “All” option and scroll along happily.

Another workaround for our readers in Kaukauna, sign up for our email newsletter HERE and never miss a story.

Paid partnership with Matt's Lawn Rolling and Aeration

Paid partnership with StoneRidge Piggly Wiggly.

By Dan Plutchak

Corrections and updates: Dan Plutchak, born and raised in Kaukauna, is cofounder of Kaukauna Community News.