St. Paul Elder Services photo

KAUKAUNA — A Norovirus outbreak is affecting residents and staff at St. Paul Home in Kaukauna and has shown early signs of spreading to St. Paul Villa, officials said Monday.

The facilities are taking steps to mitigate the spread of the highly contagious illness, which causes acute gastroenteritis, but acknowledge the rapid onset of symptoms makes containment challenging.

While visitation is not currently restricted, it is strongly discouraged.

Those who do visit are urged to wear masks to prevent the spread of respiratory illnesses in addition to the norovirus. Officials emphasized that hand sanitizer is ineffective against norovirus and that frequent handwashing with soap and water for at least 20 seconds is crucial.

Staff are also affected by the outbreak, but those who are healthy are continuing to work. While acknowledging the support of friends and community members, officials asked that food and treats not be sent at this time due to the high risk of transmission associated with sharing food and utensils.

“The thing that we need most right now is patience and understanding until this outbreak is resolved,” officials said.

Paid partnership with StoneRidge Piggly Wiggly.

By staff

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