FISH CREEK — Campers were alerted by park staff Thursday that there have been several black bear sightings in camping areas of Peninsula State Park.

Several sightings were reported in the Tennison Bay loop and at least one in the Nicolet Bay loop.

Staff posted notices for campers in the shower and restroom buildings alerting campers to avoid storing food in tents.

According to the Wisconsin DNR, most bear issues are generally nuisance-related and can occur at any time of the year when bears are active.

There are numerous steps that anyone can take to prevent or stop nuisance bear issues.

Remove attractants from the area. Food that would be attractive to bears such as pet food, home waste or bird feeders needs to be secured properly or taken down for a period of time. Some are surprised to find that barbeque grills may also attract bears and should be stored in a secure location.

If you see a bear, it is important to harass it. This can be as simple as yelling at the bear, banging pots or pans or honking an air horn to discourage further unwanted visits. Keeping bears wild helps ensure that more dangerous situations are less likely.

Paid partnership with Matt's Lawn Rolling and Aeration

Paid partnership with StoneRidge Piggly Wiggly.

By Dan Plutchak

Corrections and updates: Dan Plutchak, born and raised in Kaukauna, is cofounder of Kaukauna Community News.