Democrat Dr. Kristin Lyerly, an obstetrics doctor specialize in pregnancy and childbirth, will face Trump-backed Tony Wied,

KAUKAUNA – Dr. Kristin Lyerly, the Democratic nominee for Wisconsin’s 8th Congressional District seat has, challenged Republican nominee Tony Wied to a debate, according to a news release.

“Working families across Northeast Wisconsin are concerned about the rising cost of living, reproductive freedoms, and public safety and they deserve to know what their next member of Congress is going to do about it,” Lyerly said. “Northeastern Wisconsinites want a member of Congress who understands them and who will be an independent voice for them in Congress, not a pawn of DC party bosses. Tony, the best place to settle this is on a televised debate stage.”

Lyerly, an obstetrics doctor specializing in pregnancy and childbirth, is a 1987 graduate of Kaukauna High School.

Wied, endorsed by former President Donald Trump, beat out two other Republicans in the primary.

The Lyerly campaign said it will consider proposals for a debate that meet the following criteria:

  • Set debate parameters (i.e closing/opening statements, rebuttal rules, Q&A format, and an audience Q&A portion if applicable, etc.).
  • A non-partisan moderator and host (e.g a local non profit, university, etc.) to be mutually agreed upon by both campaigns.
  • A television or media partner to cover the debate live to ensure all Northeast Wisconsinites can tune in. Please include a media partner with confirmed interest and a plan for distributing audience tickets and soliciting audience questions (if applicable).
  • A date mutually agreed upon by both campaigns.

Debate proposals can be submitted to by September 9th.

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