KAUKAUNA – St. Ignatius Catholic School will host national speakers to present “Building a Home of Joy and Virtue” at 6:30 p.m. on Thurs., Aug. 15, 2024 at the Joint Parish Center, St. Katharine Drexel–St. Mary’s Site, 112 W. 8th St., Kaukauna.

This free presentation is particularly targeted for parents, but all are welcome to attend who are interested in learning about how to cultivate joyful disciples and growth in virtue in their families and in homes.

Cultivation of virtue in the family is a key to finding and living out authentic joy. Both children and adults can develop their relationship with Jesus Christ and with others through the development of virtue.

Sister Mary Ignatius and Ms. Stephanie Kelly are the presenters for the Aug.15 event.

Sr. Mary Ignatius is a member of the Dominican Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Eucharist in Ann Arbor, Mich. They developed a ministry, Openlight Media, which specializes in teaching the virtues and includes a program entitled “Education in Virtue.”

Kelly is a writer and editor for Openlight Media. They present this program–which is richly rooted in Catholic teaching and provides many resources for parents and educators–to schools, churches and other organizations across the country.

As the only grades 3K-12 Catholic, classical school in the Fox Cities, St. Ignatius Catholic School and Chesterton Academy supports parents and families in raising up great thinkers, virtuous leaders and intentional disciples of Jesus Christ.

St. Ignatius seeks for its students to develop in wisdom and virtue through providing education rooted in the classical tradition and truths of the Catholic faith.

This is supported through presentations for parents and the public throughout the school year, including “Building a Home of Joy and Virtue: A Presentation for Parents” on Aug. 15.

Learn more about the presentation at www.stignatiuskaukauna.org/general/august-15-education-in-virtue-presentation/ and more about Education in Virtue at www.openlightmedia.com/education-in-virtue/

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By Dan Plutchak

Dan Plutchak, born and raised in Kaukauna, is cofounder of Kaukauna Community News.