HARRISON — A new trail is in the works that would connect several regional trails along the north side of Lake Winnebago to give bicyclists, joggers and walkers access to High Cliff State Park.
The High Cliff Connection is a proposed trail connection that will extend the regional east/west trail corridor from the Miron Trestle Bridge to High Cliff State Park.
The connection will also tie into the local Friendship Trail in Menasha and the State’s Friendship Trail.
The project dates back to 2020 when the Fox Cities Trail Summit identified the High Cliff Connection as a regional priority.
As of August the group was still awaiting WisDOT grant agreements and reviewing consultant proposals.
The High Cliff Connection will fill gaps in this strong, regional east-west corridor that will connect the Fox Valley Region and will help provide safer multi-modal opportunities for school children in the area.
The trail expansion will continue the extension to provide facilities for residents and visitors to access retail, job centers, local trails, parks and other key community facilities that otherwise would not be accessible or would require the use of a vehicle.
Paid partnership with Matt's Lawn Rolling and Aeration>