Outagamie County is now accepting grant funding requests for the construction or rehabilitation of affordable housing developments.
File photo by Josh Olalde on Unsplash

News release

APPLETON — Outagamie County is now accepting grant funding requests for the construction or rehabilitation of affordable housing developments that will serve low- or moderate-income households for a period of at least 20 years.

The Outagamie County’s Board of Supervisors voted a year ago to invest $3.5 million of American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) dollars into Affordable Housing.

The County has established a Housing Production and Rehabilitation Grant to invest the remaining $1.5 million.

Any organization that is a developer or owner of housing, including affordable housing, is eligible to apply for grant funding through this program.

Eligible entities may include private companies, non-profit organizations and special purpose units of government including public housing authorities.

Please note, if grant funds are awarded to a private business or a for-profit organization, ARPA funds are considered taxable income.

Applicants are eligible to apply for grant funds to support the new construction of affordable housing units, including transitional housing units, affordable housing units in mixed-income buildings or in converted/retrofitted non-residential buildings and affordable housing developments targeted to specialized populations.

Applicants are also eligible to apply for grant funds to support the rehabilitation (i.e., major repairs and maintenance) of (1) housing that is currently income-restricted and (2) market rate housing – if the units would become income-restricted.

Projects must contain five dwelling units or more. Projects must be located in Outagamie County.

This program has $1,505,852 available. For housing rehabilitation projects, the minimum funding request is $250,000 per application and the maximum request is $500,000 per application.

For housing production projects (new development), the minimum funding request is $500,00 per application and the maximum funding request is $1.5 M per application.
Applications are due on January 12, 2024 at noon.

For more information, please visit www.outagamie.org/HousingGrant

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Paid partnership with StoneRidge Piggly Wiggly.

By staff

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