Left: Mike Slowinski, superintendent. Right: Jacob Martin, high school band director

KAUKAUNA — The Kaukauna Area School District Superintendent along with Kaukauna High School’s band director were named to the 2022 Fox Cities Future 15 Young Professionals list.

Mike Slowinski, superintendent, Kaukauna Area School District and Jacob Martin, high school band director, Kaukauna Area School District, are part of the group announced today by the Fox Cities Chamber of Commerce.

The Future 15 awards have been presented annually since 2011 to people aged 40 and under who live and work in the Fox Cities.

Nominations were solicited this summer, and applications were reviewed in September by a committee comprised of past Future 15 honorees, Pulse Young Professionals Network committee members, as well as Fox Cities community leaders.

The honorees were chosen based on their professional dedication, strong sense of vision for the future of the Fox Cities, and personal commitment to philanthropy in the community they call home, according to a news release.

This year’s honorees include:

• Vaya Lauren Jones – Social Determinants of Health Lead & District 10 Alderperson – ThedaCare and City of Appleton
• Kristen Gondek – Executive Director – People of Progression
• Nick Ross – Advocate – Diverse & Resilient
• Mike Slowinski – Superintendent – Kaukauna Area School District
• Jacob Martin – High School Band Director – Kaukauna Area School District
• Katie Kleman – Product Specialist – Miller Electric
• Meghan Cash – Community Resource Unit Supervisor and Public Information Officer – Appleton Police Department
• Amanda Chavez – Owner and Publisher – Go Valley Kids (Wisco Fam)
• Tom Lee – IT Supervisor – SECURA Insurance Company
• Elizabeth Blohm – Marketing Manager – Miron Construction Co., Inc.
• Scott Jensen – Sales Manager – Hosking Insurance Agency, Inc.
• Seth Merrill – Director of Business Development – Wisconsin Timber Rattlers
• Joshua Hopkins – Behavioral Health Officer – Outagamie County Sheriff’s Office
• Jennifer Busch – Senior Service and Program Specialist – Community First Credit Union
• Teresa Knuth – Commercial Real Estate Advisor – NAI Pfefferle

The 2022 Young Professional of the Year will also be honored: Ryan Lonergan, Veteran Advocate, Podcast Host of Fragout Podcast, and owner of Wisconsin Veteran, LLC. The YP of the Year, a past Future 15 recipient, is recognized for his or her continued growth and development in the areas of professional achievement, volunteer involvement, community impact, leadership, and character.

A celebration ceremony will be held Thursday, Dec. 1 from 6-9 p.m. at the Best Western Premier Bridgewood Resort Hotel in Neenah. Tickets and table sponsorships are now available. To purchase visit 2022 Future 15 Young Professional Awards – Dec 1, 2022 – Fox Cities Chamber of Commerce.




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By Dan Plutchak

Dan Plutchak, born and raised in Kaukauna, is cofounder of Kaukauna Community News.