Rescheduled Bike to School Day was a success. Thanks to Mr. Skrupky, Ms. Vanevenhoven, Officer Romenesko and parents for helping keep it safe. PCCS photo

KAUKAUNA — May is National Bicycle Safety Month, and students at Kaukauna’s Park School are taking advantage of it by biking to school Monday morning.

Park Community Charter School students are meeting at Riverside Park at the upper parking lot before school Monday, according to principal Ken Kortens.

Phy Ed teacher Layne Skrupky and Kortens will lead the ride to school at 7:35. All riders must wear a helmet.

The Wisconsin Departmemnt of Transportation has these recommendations for all bikers: and drivers:

Bikers:🚦 Obey traffic laws🚴‍♀‍ Ride in the same direction as traffic

➡️ Ride as far right as practical

🚘 Watch for vehicle doors opening

Drivers: ✋ Slow down

🚙 Be alert and courteous

↔️ Stay at least three feet from bicyclists

🚵‍♂‍ Be careful not to turn into bicyclists’ path




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Paid partnership with StoneRidge Piggly Wiggly.

By Dan Plutchak

Corrections and updates: Dan Plutchak, born and raised in Kaukauna, is cofounder of Kaukauna Community News.