Photo courtesy Kaukauna Area School District

KAUKAUNA — A life-changing donation of sewing machines nearly a year ago in Kaukauna has made it to its final destination in Nicaragua.

At the end of January, sewing machines donated by the Kaukauna High School Family and Consumer Education department made their way to their final destination of Llano Largo.

The local women who recently finished a sewing class that had been suspended during the height of the pandemic were presented the sewing machines at their graduation ceremony.

The machines are now getting a second life and making a difference in the lives of those within the Llano Largo community.

In March of last year, the Kaukauna High School Family and Consumer Education department donated 27 sewing machines (along with some additional supplies) to the Wisconsin Nicaragua Partners (WNP) program.

The machines were then sent to Llano Largo, a remote village in northwestern Nicaragua which has been devastated by the hurricanes, and also affected by COVID-19, according to a news release.

Before the start of the pandemic, the women in Llano Largo had been taking sewing lessons at the WNP Learning Center to learn a trade which will help them make money for their families.

Once COVID-19 struck, these women were unable to return to lessons and could not use the handful of sewing machines that were in the Learning Center. Then, the hurricanes hit, destroying the crops and taking away nearly any possibility of making enough money to support their families.

The women reached out to WNP to see if they would be able to get sewing machines to use at their individual homes until they were able to meet at the Learning Center again.

After learning of the need, KHS spanish teacher Ann Marie Nuñez connected with Family and Consumer Sciences teacher Katie Lehrer, and the two worked with the district to donate the unused sewing machines from the high school to the women of Llano Largo.



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By Dan Plutchak

Dan Plutchak, born and raised in Kaukauna, is cofounder of Kaukauna Community News.