KAUKAUNA — The city of Kaukauna is developing a master plan for the revitalization of the Kaukauna Municipal Pool and has created a survey to collect public input.
The current pool was built in 1991 and is a popular destination for Kaukauna residents and nearby community members.
But because of the age of the complex, the city is evaluating current and future repair costs versus replacement of existing facilities, to ensure the best use is made of public funding.
Before any decisions can be made, the city has hired a consultant and stepped back and take a comprehensive look at the entire site to assess the potential for expanded seasonal usage, revenue opportunities and additional recreational amenities.
The survey doesn’t take long and will help the city make sure they are on the right track.
Click the link below for the Kaukauna Municipal Pool Master Plan 2021 website https://cityofkaukauna.com/recreation/poolmasterplan/
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