KAUKAUNA — Kaukauna Utilities, along with the City of Kaukauna, will hold their annual Electronics Recycling Event on Saturday, April 24, 2021 from 8:00-11:00am at the Kaukauna Utilities Warehouse (300 Island Street, Kaukauna) – enter from Elm St.

See this flyer for details on this year’s event.

Free electronics:

CPU TowersiPodsCD Players
Coffee MachinesPower SuppliesDrills
DVD PlayersLaptopsElectric Saws
Desktop PrintersPhonesFax Machines
SpeakersShreddersRecords Players
ScannersVacuumsGame Systems

…and more!

Electronics that have batteries heavily sealed inside them may incur a battery removal charge.

Chargeable Electronics:

Flat or Tube TVs (29” and under)$20 ea
Flat or Tube TVs (30” – 49”)$40 ea
Flat or Tube TVs (50” and over)$60 ea
Flat or Tube Computer Monitors$20 ea
Wood Console or Projection TVs$60 ea
Large Printers or Large Copiers$15 ea

Kaukauna Utilities customers & City of Kaukauna residents get their first 3 TVs or Monitors recycled for only $10 each. Discount is per vehicle, per day, and only for this event. Additional items charged at the rates above.

With general event questions, please call 920.955.3760.


White goods can be picked up curbside by the City of Kaukauna with a sticker. Refrigerant stickers are $15 and non-refrigerant stickers are $10. Contact the Street Department to purchase a sticker or with questions on white goods – 920-766-6337. Examples of white goods include:

  • Dishwashers
  • Microwaves
  • Dehumidifiers
  • Refrigerators
  • Freezers
  • Small A/C units
  • Ovens
  • Washers & Dryers

Paid partnership with Matt's Lawn Rolling and Aeration

Paid partnership with StoneRidge Piggly Wiggly.

By Dan Plutchak

Corrections and updates: news@kaukaunacommunitynews.com Dan Plutchak, born and raised in Kaukauna, is cofounder of Kaukauna Community News.