KAUKAUNA — Do you know someone who would enjoy learning how to better use their computer?
For the third year, members of Kaukauna High School’s chapter of the National Honor Society will offer a set of three computer classes for senior citizens, according to a school district news release.
The deadline for registration for the Computer Classes is Monday, Jan. 23.
The classes, designed for senior citizens of all experience levels on any device (phone, computer, tablet, etc.), will cover topics from how to get started using computers to word processing, from internet basics to social media.
National Honor Society students will serve as instructors and class assistants, teaching basic skills and working 1-on-1 with attendees to answer individual questions.
Classes will be held in the computer labs at Kaukauna High School, 1701 County CE, fro 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. on Jan. 25, Feb. 22 and March 29.
This is a free course.
Participants are welcome to bring their own devices, but computers will be available on-site as well.
To register, call Karla Miller-Flynn at (920) 766- 6113 ext. 5826, or email miller-flynnk@kaukauna.k12.wi.us. Please include your name, phone number, level of experience with computers and any specific topics you would like to see covered
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